Klasse Illustration

The catalog of people

Yotvat Zarka

I have some thoughts about people and their surrounding, while I was walking on the streets of a foreign city.

people who conquer cool pubs and decorate them with barby dolls

people who sit on high roofs and vote

people who stand on counters tacitly on a snowy day

people who spray graffities on giant aromatic sausages, between narrow streets

people who make orgamy from theater folders, spreading them in the cemetery

people who put glasses in their morning sandwiches

people who weight out history books in the subway, and they are dressed in fur coats

people who stand in an empty swimmingpool, holding other people in the rain

people who hide under old bridges, wearing white suits and holding red rose

people who wave the fume out of chimneys with an ancient king’s portrait

people who sit on sleeping ducks in the city gardens, holding wooden chairs

people who walk along wide crosswalk in the church, being full with reflectors

people who smoke cigarettes under a huge red mushroom with white dots